September 13, 2009

The Fine Art Of The Apology.

Joanne Brazel-Wheatcroft, mentioned in an earlier post for describing Joe Wilson, the candidate for Superior Court Judge in Washington, as a "BIGOT" and an exemplar of "what assholes the republicans are," has finally apologized for erroneously directing her invective at Mr. Wilson. She had, of course, meant to call the Joe Wilson who is the Republican member of Congress those names.

It turns out to have been an easy mistake to make, for, as Ms. Brazel-Wheatcroft notes in her apology, "I saw two old men on facebook and assumed they were the same person."

Joe Wilson, the candidate, is 49 years old. Joe Wilson, the congressman, is 62.

Ms. Brazel-Wheatcroft's shoe size is 6, and her favourite flavour is Manolo Blahnik.

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