October 23, 2009

Empty Buildings.

At the top of Wheeling Hill, near the plaque commemorating McCulloch's leap and the statue erected by the Kiwanis Club to commemorate the Indians who once lived here - the same Indians who were killed or defeated and driven from the Ohio Valley by military men like McCulloch - there is a small stand of buildings.

The Old Windmill Pub has been empty for a few years and the property is for sale. Four or five houses sit next to it. Some have boarded-up windows and are vacant; the others look rundown and tired. They all face a row of garages that have all but collapsed off their pillar foundations and tumbled down the hill on which they're built.

Old Windmill Pub
The Old Windmill Pub. Click on image to launch larger version in new window.

Old Windmill Pub
The Old Windmill Pub. Click on image to launch larger version in new window.

Abandoned garages
Abandoned garages on Wheeling Hill. Click on image to launch larger version in new window.

Abandoned garage
Inside an abandoned garage on Wheeling Hill. Click on image to launch larger version in new window.

Peeling paint on a dresser. Click on image to launch larger version in new window.

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